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Marta Vila Boy

Banda sonora del vídeo Once Upon a Territory, de Fiona Morrison

150 150 MAGAM musica

Recentment l’artista Fiona Morrison va contactar amb nosaltres per proposar-nos una col·laboració i crear la banda sonora d’un vídeo que havia gravat durant un viatge a Nordamèrica l’any passat. La peça, Once Upon a Territory, és una reflexió sobre els territoris que els van prendre a les tribus d’indis americans a l’època de la colonització, i vol denunciar el tracte que se’ls ha donat a les diferents tribus, que en la majoria de casos ha desaparegut.

El vídeo forma part d’una exposició titulada El Joc, que es pot visitar a la Fundació Valvi de Girona fins a finals de juliol.

Ens hem inspirat en melodies tribals des d’una perspectiva sonora electrònica.

Veu – Nerea de Miguel

Sintetitzador Moog Mother 32 – Vega Montero

Piano – Marta Vila Boy

Edició i producció: MAGAM

La banda sonora es pot escoltar aqui:


Instalació de la que forma part el vídeo. Fotografia ©Rafel Bosch


Comentant amb l’artista Fiona Morrison (izquierda) detalls del vídeo a la presentació. Fotografia ©Rafel Bosch


Junt a una de les fotografies de Fiona Morrison. D’esquerra a dreta: Montse Mias, Fiona Morrison, Vega Montero, Marta Vila Boy i Ester Xargay. Fotografia ©Rafel Bosch




Soundtrack for Fiona Morrison’s art documentary “Once Upon a Territory”

150 150 MAGAM musica

Last year, artist Fiona Morrison asked us to compose a soundtrack for footage she had made during a trip through North America. The piece, Once Upon a Territory, is an “on route” filming from East to west North America, and West to East Canada, showing all the names of Native American Territories, as a deep homage to Native American Indian people and their land.

Video was part of El Joc, exhibition at Fundació Valvi in Girona (Catalonia, Spain).

We got some inspiration from tribal melodies but from an electronic sound perspective.

Vocals – Nerea de Miguel

Synthesizer Moog Mother 32 – Vega Montero

Piano – Marta Vila Boy

Editin and production: MAGAM

Soundtrack available here (free streaming):


Art instalation that shares space with the video. Photography ©Rafel Bosch


Explaining part of the creative process with artist Fiona Morrison (left). Photography ©Rafel Bosch


Next to one of the photographies of Fiona Morrison’s exhibition. From left to right: Montse Mias, Fiona Morrison, Vega Montero, Marta Vila Boy and Ester Xargay. Fotografia ©Rafel Bosch




Collaboration with Lucía Montero, videoartist

150 150 MAGAM musica

Some time ago, videoartist Lucía Montero chose one of our tracks to make a video. We got surprised twice: she chose a symphonic piece (for some reason we thought she prefered some other genre) and also, from all of our work, she picked Aniel’s theme. This particular piece has a very profound meaning for us, since we composed it after three notes that our son was singing while Marta was sitting composing next to him. Those three notes became a piano improvisation and later a symphonic piece.

What could we expect from the images for music that talks about something so specific and important for us? We completely trusted the artist, but the result at the beginning shocked us a little. Hacer cine (“Making cinema” on its translation) was the title. We watched it once, twice… It’s videoart, not videoclip to “help” the music. Here images and music come together, play to take you to places they couldn’t without one another… Making movies, energy of so many people to create. Energy, motivation, but on top of all love. Love for what you do, love for creating, love spreading all the way. That’s Aniel’s theme, that’s Hacer cine.

Enjoy the show: