
Interview for “Vivir desde la esencia”

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We got the chance to have a little talk with journalist and communicator Glòria Montasell about the creative process of the “Sound Portraits”, the custom music we compose on commission.

We are very grateful to Glòria and her sensibility towards our work. At the end of the interview there’s a fragment of the piece we composed for her.

(audio in Spanish)

Music for Otaduy’s fashion film 2020 collection

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Bridal Fashion Firm Otaduy asked for original music for their new collection “Inspiration” 2020 fashion film.

“Fantasy, strengh and an oniric universe is the combination that pays tribute to all women changing history, the free ones, the fearless”, says Carolina the designer.

Here is a blog entry with the interview where we explain the creative process (in Spanish).


Music for video opening

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“Zen, simple and minimal” were the premises given to creat this music for the video opening of speaker Sergi Torres’ conferences. Moving logo already made and a web home image that summarized the feelings they were looking for in the music as well:

home page Sergi Torres’ site

We decided to use an instrumentation as simple and clean as possible: acompanning oval and a melodic instrument playing the melody, clarinet in this case.

Watch and listent to the final result here:

Finalistes del concurs de cançó infantil Bellaterra i SGAE

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A principis d’estiu ens vem presentar a la “1ª Edició dels Premis Música i Infància” de composició de cançó infantil, on vem quedar entre els 10 finalistes triats entre les 130 cançons que es van presentar amb el tema “Cançons per estar feliç”.

La nostra composició es diu UN SOMRIURE, i està dedicada a la mestra d’infantil Pilar Torner, que ens va engrescar a començar a escriure cançons amb lletra dirigides als infants.



VEU: Nerea de Miguel

GUITARRA: Josep María Martí


Estem molt contentes de haver sigut finalistes, esperem que aquesta proposta tingui continuitat els proper anys! Gràcies a l’SGAE i a l’Escola “El Musical” de Bellaterra i Bellaterra Edicions per l’organització. Moltes felicitats als guanyadors i molta música pels infants!!

Trying the new Oval

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We have a new instrument! Some time ago we contributed to Kickstarter campaign of OvalSound, a project that was developing an electronic handpan. It’s a MIDI controller as well, with a huge amount of sounds and functions. New sounds, new inspiration and the possibility to play it live.

Soon we’ll post the results!