Artes visuales

Soundtrack for Fiona Morrison’s art documentary “Once Upon a Territory”

150 150 MAGAM musica

Last year, artist Fiona Morrison asked us to compose a soundtrack for footage she had made during a trip through North America. The piece, Once Upon a Territory, is an “on route” filming from East to west North America, and West to East Canada, showing all the names of Native American Territories, as a deep homage to Native American Indian people and their land.

Video was part of El Joc, exhibition at Fundació Valvi in Girona (Catalonia, Spain).

We got some inspiration from tribal melodies but from an electronic sound perspective.

Vocals – Nerea de Miguel

Synthesizer Moog Mother 32 – Vega Montero

Piano – Marta Vila Boy

Editin and production: MAGAM

Soundtrack available here (free streaming):


Art instalation that shares space with the video. Photography ©Rafel Bosch


Explaining part of the creative process with artist Fiona Morrison (left). Photography ©Rafel Bosch


Next to one of the photographies of Fiona Morrison’s exhibition. From left to right: Montse Mias, Fiona Morrison, Vega Montero, Marta Vila Boy and Ester Xargay. Fotografia ©Rafel Bosch




Música para fotografía: colaboración con Mercedes Werner

150 150 MAGAM musica

Recientemente hemos colaborado con Mercedes Werner en un proyecto que no sólo suma sus partes, sino que las multiplica. La artista nos pidió que pusiéramos música a sus fotografías en blanco y negro. Después de verlas quedamos impresionadas por ese chiaroscuro que lo impregna todo y decidimos darle una vuelta de tuerca a una de las formas musicales más conocidas del período barroco que ha llegado hasta nuestros días: la passacaglia.

Aquí quedan plasmados los cuadros que ahora son fotografía y la música antes acústica y ahora electrónica:

ViGiLIA – videogames Girona’s first meeting

150 150 MAGAM musica

Last june we attended the first meeting of “ViGiLIA” (videogames of Girona). We could present our music to our colleagues. There were developers, artists, programmers and we could knowledge the latest news and projects.

That was the first of hopefully many more to come, so everyone is informed and there is total communication and ideas shared between all of us.

Thanks to the organizers and see you on the next one!